MSA’s principals are involved in many activities because of their dedication to the community, the environment, and the utility industry.
Arsenio Milian, P.E. – President
Mr. Milian has over 50 years of experience in Civil and Environmental Engineering including design, operations, construction, permitting, management and operation of utility and solid waste systems. He served as Chief Engineer, Vice President and President of the largest developer owned water & wastewater utilities in Florida. He has been accepted as an expert, and has provided testimony before several agencies in the State of Florida
Mr. Milian is President and founder of Citizens for a Better South Florida, an organization that promotes the safeguarding of South Florida’s natural resources. He has also been honored by receiving several prestigious awards from the environmental community as recognition of his exemplary commitment to preserving Florida’s unique and irreplaceable natural environment. These include the Governor’s Award for Environmental Education in 1995, Conservationist of the Year Award from the Everglades Coalition in 1994, the Thomas Barbour Medal from Fairchild Tropical Garden, the Sustainable Development Award from the Global Tomorrow Coalition, and the Conservation Award from the Tropical Audubon Society. Mr. Milian is a member of Miami-Dade County’s Environmental Advisory Council, and chairs the Stormwater Subcommittee for the Miami River Commission. He currently serves at the National Council of the Wilderness Society. In recognition of his community minded track record, Mr. Milian has been appointed by three different Governors to assist in statewide areas of concern. For instance, in 1987 he was appointed by Governor Martinez as a member of the Governing Board of South Florida Water Management District, in 1991 Governor Chiles appointed him to the State of Florida Environmental Land Management Study Committee (ELMS III), and in 1999 Governor Bush appointed him to the Florida Forever Advisory Council.
Deborah D. Swain
Deborah Swain heads up the firm’s finance, accounting, and management team. She has over 40 years of experience in utility management, accounting, finance, rate regulation, rate design and system development. She provides financial and management consulting services to public and investor-owned utilities and has also been accepted as an expert in her field.
Ms. Swain is President and one of the founders of the Miami-Dade A&E Society, an organization of local architects and engineers whose mission is to improve the procurement of professional services in Miami-Dade County by working to streamline the process. She also has a long history of community involvement. Ms. Swain has served as Director and Treasurer of Citizens for a Better South Florida for over ten years, as Board member, Chairperson, and Vice-Chairperson of the Disability Affairs Committee for the City of Coral Gables, Board member of the Miami-Dade County Shoreline Review Committee, and on the boards of several other professional and community organizations.
Company Overview
Milian, Swain & Associates, Inc. (MSA) is a multiple disciplined, full-service firm that specializes in providing Civil and Environmental Engineering, Financial & Management Consulting Services. MSA was incorporated in January 1989 and is a MBE (100% minority owned) firm with a diverse ethnic workforce and a proven commitment to affirmative action.
MSA is proud of its long history of providing professional engineering services and financial and management consulting services to government, private and municipal clients.
Prior to 1989, all key members of MSA’s management consulting staff worked together in various capacities for one of the largest developer-owned water & wastewater utilities in Florida, thus providing clients with a team that has proven itself by working together over the years.
MSA’s corporate plan has changed little since its inception – to fulfill the needs of its clients by providing integrated consulting services.
Mission Statement
“We are a diverse organization of highly trained and motivated professionals dedicated to providing customer satisfaction through quality service, adherence to deadlines and meeting budgets. We will conduct all of our business with honesty and integrity”.